Stories, events and life in general from Miss Kitty's point of view


A long way back

For some weeks now I have been wanting to post, even starting to write one back in May, only not to finish and so fail. With each passing day I became more guilty and tonight Ms K and I, each agreed that enough is enough. Even though I have been very busy and productive, first news about Ms K, then about my long way back.

Ms K napping on the living room couch as the last of the days sunlight
reflects off the neighbors house into the room

We here in Northern California experienced a long winter with a couple of days when temperatures reached the triple digits. There was even a good rain storm end of June, all of which contributed to Ms K sleeping and napping more than twenty hours. There were only a few days in five months in which Ms K actually went into the garden, joining me while I tended to the plants. 

Ms K hiding behind the balconies railing, being vigilant about her territory

Ms K is a senior feline, taking it easy in her golden years; no longer stalking our feathered friends or chasing a leaf thumbing on the ground. Her activities are now minimal and so there is little to report, unlike with a younger feline, especially when I see other followers blog daily posts. So at times I have not been sure if I could continue this blog, even though my heart wants to. Ms K has been an important part of my life and she continues to be, so I will continue maintaining this blog.

If you wish to print out this set, make sure to click here 
in order to download the full size version

At one of my other blogs where I just posted this quarters calendar bookmarks, I also wrote about ‘Where does the time go.’ As for the third-quarter feline calendar, please except my apologies that it did not occur this quarter, it will be resumed at a later date still to be announced.

I guess when one is occupied creating art, preparing for a lecture or an appointment with the directory of a gallery made three months before, only to discover upon arriving, they decided to close the gallery two days prior; welt least  I have a good collection with which to approach another gallery or making it available on-line for purchase.

A small sampling of the art I created these passed three months

These passed months, work began on a series of thirty-six small paintings—on hold at the moment—then preparing for a PowerPoint presentation, which was given to the El Cerrito Art Association,

or designing and building blogs for clients, I had my hands full, burning the candle at both ends. It felt like having been touched by a Muse and riding a high wave that now has been physically draining.

‘Travels of the Imagination’ Close-up of drawing a map

In the midst of all the creativity there came another idea, bringing back my childhood years, when I drew imaginary maps containing buried pirates treasure, only now they are are more grown-up, resembling possible landmarks. 

‘Travels of the Imagination’ in progress of being reassembled

When one of these maps are completed I take a deep breath and start cutting the illustration into one inch squares, which are then carefully reassembled in a random order, making sure that each piece connects to the one next to it in some special and meaningful manner.

After having participated in my first art fair this July 4 and yesterday dropping off a painting for my first juried exhibition, my plate is still full. Though low on energy by now, Ms K’s continued presence by my side when I work, is something I treasure, for it is priceless.

Ms K

I had hoped to share another picture of Ms K, sitting comfortable on a chair next to me in the kitchen, it has to wait till next time. Here is another one taken from the balcony where Ms. K likes to be in the late afternoon, soaking up a few of the last sun rays.
